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  • Is There Funding To Help Me With Training Costs?
    You may qualify for funding to take the courses required to qualify for the Energy Efficient Builder Registry. Click here for more information and to find out if you qualify.
  • Who can participate in the program?
    Builders and Renovators from all over the Province are eligible to participate. We invite and welcome everyone to take our training.
  • Who do I need on my team to obtain my registration?
    The more qualified and skilled a builder’s team is, the better their builds. To train in high-performance energy-efficient construction, work with a trained and licensed energy advisor through a Natural Resources Canada Licensed Service Organization. They’ll consult with you on the various designations described here – ENERGY STAR® for New Homes, R-2000, Net Zero Ready, and Net Zero. A list of qualified Service Organizations can be found here.
  • How does the Program work?
    Interested Builders and Renovators must first take the CHBA-NB’s 4-Day Building Science Workshop, which includes online or in-person training and exams for R-2000, ENERGY STAR®, and Net Zero. If you have already taken this training within the past three years, then you are one step closer to being added to our Registry. Click here to be added to a waiting list for our next workshop. Enrol in the Registry by completing this form. To access training discounts, register first and then connect with the Environmental Trust Fund. Complete the National Building Code of Canada (NBC) – Part 9 for Residential Buildings course most recently adopted by the Province. If you have already done so through CHBA-NB or another education provider, send along your proof of completion. Click here to be added to a waiting list for our next workshop. Consult with a Natural Resources Canada Licensed Service Organization to determine the design features required for your desired certification (ENERGY STAR®, R-2000, or Net Zero). Ideally, complete this before construction begins, as you may need to make enhancements to the building envelope to meet Program Standards. For example, if you are building an R-2000 Home, connect with a Licensed R-2000 Service Organization and Energy Advisor. Once the home is finished, your advisor will complete a final inspection, submit the prescribed documents to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and seek Certification. Then you will receive your certification and Program Licensing Agreement from NRCan (if you have not completed one prior). Click here for a list of Licensed Service Organizations.
  • How do I reach levels of achievement on the Energy-Efficient Builder Registry?
    Step 1 // BRONZE: Attend the 4-day Building Science Workshop on the ENERGY STAR® Standard, and construct an ENERGY STAR® home (Bronze Level) certified by the Government to be at least 20% more efficient than parameters set by the National Building Code, with a minimum airtightness of 2.5 Air Changes per Hour (ACH). Step 2 // SILVER: After attending the 4-day Building Science Workshop on the R-2000 Standard, construct an R-2000 Home (Silver Level) certified by the Government of Canada to be at least 50% more efficient than parameters set by the National Building Code, with a minimum airtightness of 1.5 Air Changes per Hour (ACH). Step 3 // GOLD: The Net Zero Builders’ Training was included in the 4-day Building Science Workshop. The next step is to consult with a Licensed Net Zero Energy Advisor and construct a Natural Resources Canada Net Zero Ready Home (Gold Level) certified to be at least 80% more efficient than parameters set by the National Building Code, with a minimum air airtightness of 1.5 Air Changes per Hour (ACH). Click here for a list of Licensed Net Zero Energy Advisors. Step 4 // PLATINUM: The final step in the journey is to build a Net Zero Home (Platinum Level) certified to the Standards of the CHBA Net Zero Home Program. Consult with a Licensed Net Zero Energy Advisor for 100% more efficiency than parameters set by the National Building Code, with a minimum air airtightness of 1.5 Air Changes per Hour (ACH). Click here for a list of Licensed Net Zero Energy Advisors. If you proceed to build and Certify a Net Zero Home you will automatically reach the Platinum Level on the Energy Efficient Builder Registry without having to comply with Steps 1 and 2.
  • Will my company be promoted while I’m working through the process?
    We have branded levels of Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum to give consumers context on the accomplishments of our Registered Builders and Renovators. Trained – Builders who have taken the training but have not yet Certified an energy efficient home. Bronze – Builders who have met the Standards of the ENERGY STAR® for New Homes (ESNH) and have Certified an ENERGY STAR® House. Silver – Builders who have met the Standards of the R-2000 Program and have Certified an R-2000 Home. Gold – Builders who have met the Standards of the CHBA Net Zero Home Program and have Certified a Net Zero Ready Home. Platinum - Builders who have met the Standards of the CHBA Net Zero Home Program and have Certified a Net Zero Home.
  • This looks like a long process. Is there a way to speed things up?
    Builders can build and certify a Net Zero Home and automatically receive the Platinum Status.
  • I’ve already built a Net Zero/ENERGY STAR®/R-2000 home. Does that count?
    Absolutely! If you have built an ENERGY STAR® , R-2000, Net Zero Ready, or Net Zero Home within the past five years, we will list you under the appropriate category provided all other REEB Program requirements have been met.
  • How will my company be advertised?
    While working with the Environmental Trust Fund, CHBA-NB will use Social Media (FaceBook™ and Instagram™) to regularly promote the Registry and keep it in easy reach of consumers. This website – will be maintained and updated by the CHBA-NB.
  • What is the cost to participate in the program?
    Aside from training costs, your promotion and listing on the Registry is free as long as funding is supplied by the Environmental Trust Fund.
  • How do I stay informed of changes to program standards?
    The technologies and techniques of building science are ever-evolving. We will require all Registry participants to take an update course at least once every three years, and to construct an energy-efficient house under one of the Programs. Builders may requalify if they let their training lapse by attending the 4-day Building Science Workshop.
  • Can I remove my name from the Registry?
    We will remove your company name upon written request to the CHBA-NB – Please allow sufficient time for this process to occur.
  • A Quick Summary
    To be listed on the Registry, builders must meet these requirements: Provide third-party warranty on all new homes. Carry a minimum of $2 million dollars in liability insurance coverage. Adhere to the regulations, legislation, and workplace safety policies of WorkSafe NB. Have a business number with Revenue Canada, and collect and remit the appropriate HST to CRA. Have a business number with Revenue Canada, and collect and remit the appropriate employee benefits to CRA. Commit to obtaining building permits for new home construction. Provide written contracts for all work performed. Other Requirements: Complete and submit your Registered Energy Efficient Builder Registry Application to the Canadian Home Builders’ Association New Brunswick. Successfully complete the 4-day Building Science Workshop. Successfully complete the current National Building Code Course or update. Build and certify an ENERGY STAR® Home, an R-2000 Home, a Net Zero Ready Home, and a Net Zero Home. Please Note - If you proceed to build and Certify a Net Zero Home you will automatically reach the Platinum Level on the Energy Efficient Builder Registry.
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Mailing Address

P.O. Box 3358, Station B  Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3A 5H1


Civic Address

212 Queen Street, Suite 406  Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada E3B 1A8

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